Electronics Design & Production

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What is an ISP?

ISP stands for In-System Programmer. It allows firmware updates to be delivered to the on-chip memory of microcontrollers and related processors without requiring specialist programming circuitry on the circuit board, and simplifies design work.

So for my first assignment, I will be making my own ISP PCB.

Below were the components that I needed on my ISP PCB.

Software Tools

I used Mr Chew's, Mods to generate the nc file for the PCB Milling. Go to programmes > open server programme > mill 2D PCB png. Apply the settings for the traces and ouline respectively.

Recommended settings for Stepcraft

Operation Endmill Size Cut Speeed Cut Depth Total Depth Offset
Traces 0.4 mm Flat 50 ~ 60 mm/min 0.04 ~ 0.05 mm 0.04 ~ 0.05 mm 2 ~ 4
Traces 0.8 mm Flat 60 ~ 80 mm/min 0.04 ~ 0.05 mm 0.04 ~ 0.05 mm 1 ~ 2
Traces 0.1 mm 30 degree V-bit 50 ~ 60 mm/min 0.04 ~ 0.05 mm 0.04 ~ 0.05 mm 1 ~ 2
Board Outline 0.8 mm Flat 50 ~ 80 mm/min 0.42 ~ 0.45 mm 1.65 ~ 1.70 mm 1 ~ 2

I also had to mill out my ATTINY45 board. Below is the pinout and my schematics for my ATTTINY44/45 board. The schematics for the ATTINY45 board can be easily found online.

Now that I have my ISP board and my Attiny45, it is time to programme them. To programme my ISP board. I follow the steps on Brian's page.

Basically download the following items:

For the first download, I exrtracted my Atmel AVR Toolchain to C:\Program Files. For the second download, I accepted default location for the installation which is C:\Program Files (x86)\GnUWin32. For the final download, I extracted the folder and copied the avrdude file into C:\Program Files.

Then, I updated my path by going to the control panel > search for system > edit environment variables.

And then I installed Zadig to Zadig to install the driver. Then open the command prompt to execute the GNU make.

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