Web Hosting

Lesson Dates: 4 May

Things Covered: Website Hosting, GitHub

Hosting a Website

This is a step-by-step guide on how to host a website on GitHub .
Step1:Sign-up for GitHub. After doing so, create a new repository.

Step 2: Enter the name of your new repository. Description is optional. Choose the public option.

Also, ✓ the "Initialize this repository with README". Click Create repository once done.

Step 3: Go to your file explorer and rename your Chrome HTML Document from source to index

Step 4: Press Upload the repository and you will reach this page. Drag the index Chrome HTML Document from your file explorer over to the page to upload. Once done, press commit changes

Step 5: Go to the Settings and change the GitHub branch from none to master branch

Once done, go to your Google browser and type (your GitHub username).github.io/(name of repository).

Your GitHub page will appear and can be seen by the public. Disclaimer:You might have to wait for about 2 to 5 minutes for the website to be up.